Monday, June 1, 2009

A Tour of the Guest House @ TKBI

Hey gang...

Here's a little tour of the place we stayed Saturday night when we visited our Karen friends at the Thai-Karen Bible Institute in Pala-U villiage! Enjoy!



  1. Are we not SOOOO spoiled in America? Seriously...I love the perspective. THANK YOU!

    What a blessing. Praying!!!


  2. Is it weird that this looks super fun?? Roughin it!! Good job Brian.

    Suzie.....someday I won't be Joshua anymore....sorry! : )

  3. You're tougher than I in that respect. Two things I'd fear greatly:

    1. Malaria
    2. No hot water for my shower

    Still praying for you. Hoping you bring me back one of those mens room signs.
