Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I have a blog? Oh man!

Hey all...

I am attempting something crazy. I'm going to blog while I'm in Thailand and Japan so that everyone can follow along. This is really kinda funny for a guy who doesn't follow blogs very well... but no matter!

"Why in the world would I want to read another blog?" Glad you asked! You see... this blog will be cool. You'll learn about what I'm doing in Thailand, what the people are like, what Chris Mills is doing... and you'll get to see lots of PICTURES! I'm going to try video too... but we'll see how that goes. I may even do this totally as a video blog... hopefully late at night when I'm tired and thus more entertaining. Me and Chris Mills late at night tired after sitting and traveling for hours is a truly amazing form of entertainment that the world should not be deprived of. No really. I'm serious. Or maybe at that point everything just seems funny. Either way you, as a devoted and faithful blog reader, will get to laugh with us or at us and thus be entertained and educated either way!

Tomorrow is the big departure day, so now I gotta go work on frantically getting ready to go so that hopefully I can get a little sleep tonight!



  1. Wow...I get to be the first to comment. Hmmm...better make it meaningful then, eh? Well, of COURSE we'll be praying for your trip, for Suz, for Chris and for our beloved family that you are so fortunate to see. PLEASE don't dangle the blog / video / picture carrot in front of us and not deliver massively...not that I think you won't but it will be so cool to see what is happening in other parts of the world with people we love. We look forward to what God will do in all of this. Godspeed!


  2. Good luck with blogging - i find it to be one of the most difficult things to stick to. But I believe in you Brian! I look forward to reading your musings and watching your adventures. see you in a couple weeks.

  3. Cool, I think this is a great idea. Isn't technology cool?
