Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Just a quickie...

Hello world...

No pics right now... I'm sitting in an internet cafe and can't connect my lappy. :( I should have access again at Susan's place, so I'll try to get some pics up. I'm now in the northern part of Thailand in the city of Chang Rai. The little internet cafe we're in is a real cafe with good food. And it's owned by a really cool Christian brother. It's pretty nice. A breakfast of eggs and toast was cool. Anyway... check back soon for another post. I'll try to have some pics and another video to post for you! Maybe if I'm really industrious I'll bust out some of my photoshop ninja skillz on a Thailand Map so you can see where I've been and where I'm going.

Anyway, be blessed everyone!

In Christ,


  1. Hey Brian...so fun to follow your blog. A map would be helpful for those of us that are geographically challenged. When you get to the Deans, be sure to ask them to see the cool video that I sent them of the drive home from LAX. It's riveting to say the least. But probably not as exciting as your trip.

    I like how Chris thought you were taking a photo of him instead of video footage at the train station. Man! That was a major train station I must say.

    Hope you guys are having a blast! All is well in sunny SoCal.


  2. i'm following.... checking the blog for updates far more frequently than I find them. But I'm not complaining at all. That would be the height of hypocrisy. Seems like you guys are having a good time.

  3. Hey Brian,

    So glad and blessed you guys are together and
    having a blessed time. Thanks so much for the video footage of my dear son. That was a huge!!
    bus station.
